~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to Barbara's NEW Sumo Site! ~~~~~~~~~~

Guide to
Barbara's Anime-Manga Site
  1. Barbara's Anime-Manga Site
  • Anime-Manga News Page
    1. 2007-07-11 The International Manga Prize
    2. 2007-08-01 Chinese Anime Trade Barriers
    All Content
    PageFiles, Pictures, Topics, & Links
    Anime-Manga News  

    Clickable Symbols
    Video file, see web page for text.  
    Foreign site, external link, NOT at Barbara's.  
    Link to a place located on one of Barbara's Sites.  
    Key Topic link on Barbara's Site.  
    Picture file on Barbara's Site.  

    Barbara's Other Sites
    1. Barbara's Enka Site
    2. Barbara's Sumo Site
    3. Panasonic SD-card Camcorder Forum
    4. Despa Site
    5. Old Technogirls Fansub Site

  • Welcome! This is becoming the central page for my new Anime & Manga site. I have gone to a rather more "bloggy" style for the web site, using software I wrote myself to generate the site from source files. At the moment, there is no content on this central page - instead, use the map on the right to navigate the site.

    P.S. This site looks best using Opera. Second best is Firefox. It does work with Internet Explorer, but you may have to adjust text sizes in some places.

    Thank you for visiting!

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    This page last modified: 11/30/2008 23:41:29